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APIs for

the universe

Explore the space through the APIs of the Serenity Project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. In dapibus leo gravida nulla gravida efficitur pellentesque

augue felis.


Get started Browse APIs

This is rocket science

The APIs of the Serenity Project are designed by the latest technology to provide the best possible developer experience.


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Easy access to the secrets of the universe

No matter the data is about exoplanets, Moon pictures, or the intensity of the cosmic background radiation – you can get and integrate it to your app right away.


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Thorough documentation

Serenity Project APIs are considered complete when their documentation is done. No unexpected bunny holes. You’ll find anything you need to have your app up and running.


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Getting started

Fear not! You don’t need to engage in neverending registration procedures to use the Serenity Project APIs. It shouldn’t take more than ten minutes to have an API key. You need to:

  • Register on our portal with a username and an email access
  • Create an app to get an API key.
  • Subscribe to one or more APIs.



Let's get started! 


How to start

About this portal


Serenity Project

Serenity Project is an open source initiative that aggregates all the open data of the various space agencies in the world. Since 2012 – when Serenity has launched its first satellite – the Project provides data collected by its own devices.

The purpose of this portal is to make it easier for developers to pull astronomical data provided by the Serenity Project to their applications through well-documented APIs.

Through the years, the Serenity Project has become one of the greatest space enterprises in the known world. Get your (API) key to the secrets of the universe!

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Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 

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Resent blogs


Call for papers is open: SpaceCrunch

| 11.05.2020

Join the space community and submit your talk for the best-known space conference in the galaxy in 2019 March. Join the space community and submit your talk for the best-known space conference in the galaxy in 2019

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Introducing Moon Rover Photos API

| 11.05.2020

Etiam eu libero interdum, tincidunt quam et, ultricies libero. Mauris molestie urna vel mi vestibulum efficitur. Aenean sollicitudin dolor lacinia, ultricies risus vel, hendrerit enim.

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Reaching the future

| 11.05.2020

Donec bibendum tortor in sem euismod consectetur. Ut vestibulum mi eget massa tempus molestie. Vivamus commodo nisi est, in tempus ipsum sollicitudin vel. Phasellus nisl lorem, aliquam quis pretium in, vehicula id leo.

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Check the frequently asked questions or send us an email.

In dapibus leo gravida nulla gravida efficitur. Pellentesque augue felis, sodales sit amet odio ac, maximus pretium lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

About us

We build custom-fit developer portals in Drupal, a proven enterprise-ready technology with a large consultant and developer community.



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